10.19.19 - week 25


on the gift of forgetfulness

good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his GLORY to overlook an offense.  proverbs 19:11

when you have the right to be angry or offended or frustrated, you are gaining treasure for your reputation when you don’t take it. when you could say ‘i told you so’ but you don’t. when you could damage their reputation or make them feel terrible or trumpet your feelings to the world, but you don’t, you are gaining something better in the long term for yourself.

our culture prizes the ventilation of offense. we celebrate those who push their anger to the widest possible audience. but that’s not the kingdom of god. are there situations where you must broaden the circle others for the safety of others? of course, but most of life aren’t those situations.

most of life is our petty offenses and trumped up hurts being utilized as social currency. and i have certainly been guilty of this at times myself. but i have learned that the restraint of letting it go is how you win in the end.

the word in this verse ‘glory’ is in other places translated: honor or grandeur or virtue.

somehow in a way deeper than we can see, not needing to tell everyone our disappointments with others, improves our standing in the long run.

KG Korner

(a few wise words from lady kristen macdonald)


“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”  2 Corinthians 9:6

 I read this passage and cannot get over the spirit of abundance. The two words that are used twice are bountifully and abound which by definition literally mean producing large amounts or marked by abundance. It’s compelling because God has shown us just that in sending Jesus to die in our place, giving us the Holy Spirit to help us, intercede for us, and bring freedom in us, and the hope and promise of eternity to come (just to name a few).

This passage along with other scriptures {or take it from real life farming} reveal that there are different seasons to the sowing and reaping process. Not to mention that we don’t always reap where we have sown. But that we must give cheerfully - it’s a heart attitude. He sees when we are spreading the seed, when we are watering the seed and when we are harvesting where our heart is at. And whether that’s time spent with people or money given or your talents spent- it all matters to the kingdom. And how do we do that but look at the Giver of life, breath, hope, love and mirror what he did. He gave his best and yet made sure he had time alone to pray. He invested in friends even knowing they would betray him. He felt strong emotions like anger & heartache in the midst of the giving and yet didn’t sin. Are we going to be perfect like him? Certainly not. But gosh darnit we better follow his lead. 

The last verse of this section is what I would describe as a power verse. In the sowing & the reaping & the cheerfully giving remember you’re not on your own. He is desirous in pouring out ALL grace {in ABUNDANCE}, He’s gonna give you ALL sufficiency in ALL things at ALL times {talk about BOUNTIFUL?!}, that you may ABOUND in every good work. Through him we CAN live a life of abundance.  

Luke and I are talking about our parenting a lot these days, but so much of parenting is caught than taught as they say. And I think the spirit of abundance is the same way - if I’m always willing to share and give and include, my kids are going to grab onto that. And I cannot lead my kids where Luke or I are not willing to go. Kids can sniff out the ‘B.S. Meter’ in half a second. And in the same way, the people I have watched display a spirit of abundance aren’t necessarily because of large gifts but in the spirit of thoughtfulness and joyfulness and generosity that was sprinkled over the landscape of their life. I have so much room to grow in this area but I am challenged to live a life of abundance and see how God brings grace and sufficiency and more good works in front of me as I trust him to be the provider of it all.    


Cup of Leadership


standing can feel like time wasting.

in line for a roller coasting.

during a long prayer when your muscles start to get sore.

for justice, the 250th time you know people don’t really want to hear it.

but standing takes more courage than running ahead or running away.

if you are running, that means you have some idea of where to go.

if you are running ahead, that means conditions are good and you will probably be successful.

running away is avoiding (or trying to avoid) the storm coming at you.

standing firm is all over the place in scripture, it means when the wind kicks up, when the pain gets deep, when the regret feels overwhelming, when the future feels impossible, sometimes you simply can’t go forward. but what you can do … is stay where you are, with as much faith as you can muster, not going anywhere until the storm passes.


Book Review


i need to grow as a listener. i’m a pretty good talker + i am able to understand what people are trying to say. but that’s not listening. merely ingesting the info does get at the most important part of listening in a relationship, making the other person feel heard. so i am on a journey of learning … this book was invaluable to me. if you are an achiever, i bet there are ways you are hurting others that you don’t even see. highly recommend .. read the pages below for a little flavor.


Podcasts This Week

part 3 of the joseph series + as well as a tale from the 405 w. my -friend- acquaintance mr heath hatmaker. it would certainly be a great help to me if you clicked the link and left a rating and review.

3 Things I Really Liked This Week

1.  this short clip very clearly frames the difficulties we face because the pervasive worldview of our culture – really really insightful from my friend john mark.

 2.  i love sitting under bishop ulmers teaching every week, this past Sunday might have been my favorite sermon yet … check this out, you will be blessed.

3.  this is my favorite play in the history of sports .. i dare you to watch it and not smile.



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