6.27.2020 - week 61

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i have released a 30 minute lecture called ‘race + the church: a white perspective for white evangelicals.’ in god’s providence, i had planned to study this in grad school this summer, so i was long into study before the world was talking about these issues again. it would bless my heart if you would watch and pass along to others… i don’t know it all, but i want to share what i have learned as widely as possible. watch it here.

on 2020 at the mid-way point

so i wrote whats below the first week in january .. and then in my community here in LA.

kobe died. the virus hit. racial unrest exploded. political tension grew exponentially. and so things don’t feel so GOOD at the moment. but perhaps that’s because I’m wearing worldly glasses. i am choosing as we hit the halfway point in 2020 to believe god is working GREATLY because his people are suffering acutely. hold on to your hats friends, great great things are ahead. 

when you first start seeing people come to the altar or politicians make promises or your college friends dream dreams, it’s so exciting. 

and then the people fall back into the same sin. the political system is still broken. we get older and fatter and sell insurance instead of changing the world.

jesus was pointing at a lot of things when he called us to ‘become like children’ (matthew 18.3). i believe one of the deepest and most important of these is optimism. children believe what people tell them, believe in good, see the future as bright. that reality is because of their simple mentality. and some adults with smaller intellects have it also. one of the beautiful things about differently abled people is their lack of skepticism.

it’s easy to see the negative. easy to see what’s unfair. typical to focus on how unlikely progress is. it’s pragmatically useful. it’s the easiest way to avoid getting hurt again. it’s more intellectually appealing to explain why universal healthcare will never get passed in the senate than believe it can. cooler to be annoyed by idealism than aim for it.

i used to see people and preachers that focus on positive thinking as immature. like if you really understand the world, you focus on sin and problems and try to prophetically fix them. and i still kinda believe that. but i also believe a reality-based positive outlook is the height of wisdom. can you see with crystal clarity what’s broken and focus on the good anyway?

maintaining optimism and focusing on possibility even as the scars of age and experience push you towards cynicism is one of the truest hallmarks of maturity in christ. 

so … i’m proclaiming 2020 the year of good news.

good news in your neighborhood. 

good news in your church. 

good news in your family. 

good news in your outlook.

not because there aren’t bad things to look at, but because christ is so beautiful in your eyes and your faith so strong, that the only front page or feed that truly affects you is the one with a giant picture of an empty tomb and coming king.

“and how are they to preach unless they are sent? as it is written, “how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” romans 10:15

“like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” proverbs 2:25 

KG Korner

(a few wise words from lady kristen macdonald)

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One of my sons gets eaten alive by mosquitos!  He will scratch and scratch the little sores til they bleed because he just can’t help himself.  And a few weeks ago I found myself right there bitten by a bug, not a mosquito but a bug of discouragement.  I almost felt like a giant bug bite because all I could think about were the overwhelming feelings of knowing God is at work but not being able to understand the path quite yet and (to add another bug to the mix, lol) feeling quite antsy about it.  

I love the Lord.  I have walked faithfully with him for 19 years this summer.  This is the sort of thing I didn’t think happens to “good” Christians who trust God and stuff.  But it does, and if you don’t talk about it I think it makes you feel even more isolated and even sometimes doubtful in your heart.  I have found that the very honesty of where I am and sharing that with a loved one can remove the denial and can help me stop the recurring thoughts of ‘why I am discouraged’ and lead instead to trusting God in the midst of my discouragement.  

You see it is a real feeling, the dictionary describes discouragement as, ‘a loss of confidence or enthusiasm; dispiritedness.”  Although I don’t think it’s wise to be led by our feelings, I also believe that we need to acknowledge them in order to process them, diffuse any doubt and keep moving forward.  

On this particular day I sought the Lord (that’s what God says to do, right? Psalm 34:4).  I probably prayed this prayer 50 times that day, “Lord, I know you are there, I know you are good, I know you have good plans ahead, and I know you are always, always working, show me Lord, remind me of your Word and what you are up to right now, bring the encouragement my heart needs today.”  

As I prayed, these words from Psalm 61:2 came to me, “Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.”  

As I pray and fight for peace on days like these I have learned that I must remember whose I am.  I have shared here before how much I love the Psalms because they are filled with so many of the names of God: He is my protector, my shield, my refuge, and like this last verse suggests my Rock.  A rock is known for its immovability, it’s not going to falter or fail.  When I shift my focus from my circumstances to the one who I know is in control there’s simply more peace.  Yes, the situation I find myself in may feel bleak and it probably isn’t comfortable but if I remember the one who created the universe promises his presence in the midst of it then I am more likely to keep my eyes fixed on Him.  

I have a list of the beautiful identities we gain when we decide to follow Christ and scriptures that confirm it in the front of my Bible.  It helps me to remember that God’s Word tells us that no matter the itch of discouragement we feel that we are known, loved, useful, redeemed, forgiven, precious, seen, chosen, free, an heir, a new creation, and I am His.  Let’s not discount all the good He has done for me and you because we can’t see the present or future clearly.  He sees you, He loves you, and He wants you to take courage because He has good plans for you ahead.   


book review


a true classic. nouwen re-imagines christian ministry for a broken and hurting generation. he paints a vision of helping those who are struggling that leans on listening. rather than running from loneliness and brokenness and inadequacy, nouwen argues that those very places are where our most effective kingdom work happens. rather than hide behind embellished strength or faux self-disclosure, when we bring our full selves warts and all to ministry, beautiful things can happen. 100 pages of wonderful challenge … if you are doing ministry of any type, this will bless you.


leadership thought


loving listening vs. truthful confrontation

  • having fun with the kids vs. having meaningful conversations with them

  • the hurt of betrayal vs. the great times we had before that

  • i hate abortion vs. i hate racism

  • generosity right now vs. wise planning for the future

  • working my hardest vs. channeling my best self into my family

  • i’m hurt right now vs. i believe god has good in store 

  • i appreciate good cops vs. the system is broken

  • church folk are great vs. some very much aren’t 

  • my heart hurts for my friends who run businesses vs. my heart hurts for my friends affected by the virus. 

  • i hate the way news is done vs. i want to stay informed 

i could list 50 more .. mental maturity is the ability to hold several slightly competing things in your mind at once. binary thinking is lazy thinking. one note thinkers really really cause problems with their lack of nuance. standing for truth often looks like standing for all the truths even when they seem to contradict. one thing that made jesus so elusive + counter-cultural was his refusal to let others dictate the rules by which he could think.

#cupofleadership #jesusisking #blacklivesmatter 


super christian guy


my guy is having a rough time adapting to the times.

content this week

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i had a small part in a special online broadcast this past sunday called, Daddy Changed the World: The Pain And Power of Fatherhood. its our churches contribution to the current moment around race and injustice. the event features Bishop T.D. Jakes, Priscilla Shirer, Dr. Eric Mason, boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard, actor/singer Tyrese Gibson, Kirk Franklin, Hillsong United, Erica Campbell and many more. tis special event will be hosted by Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer. 



if you’re more of a listen-on-the-go person, check out my podcast with all my latest sermons and various other episodes.

listen here!

pieces of good news I saw this week

1. this is my son’s carters favorite song these days. this performance of it is so good ...

2. conspiracy culture has taken hold of an incredible number, this article left me shaken for a few days.



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