the best of 2019 newsletter


week 12 - july 20

 so, i was having a low moment. you know one of those where fatigue + emotional pain + too many bad thoughts in a row takes you into a dark space? i have a playlist of worship songs on my phone that i’ve kept for years for moments like this, which although relatively few and far between, have certainly been more frequent in 2019 than any year before that.

 so i loaded up the song and NOTHING. didn’t encourage or comfort me even a little.

so i tried another one. NOTHING X 5.

i may as well have been listening to some self-indulgent dave matthews song. i went back and the power was gone. all of a sudden what used to re-assure me, now just bummed me out. 

and so i started to pray. and look into the sunset (which providentially was unfolding right in front of me), and this scripture came tumbling out of my memory:

remember not the former things,
    nor consider the things of old.

 behold, i am doing a new thing;
    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
i will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

the wild beasts will honor me, the jackals and the ostriches,
for i give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert,
to give drink to my chosen people,
the people whom i formed for myself
that they might declare my praise.

 isaiah 43:18-21

so often, we lean away from the present into nostalgia from past victories or pain from past losses. it takes us away from what god is doing right now. he’s working. it may not feel like it or seem like it to our senses in the physical realm, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. and when he’s working it’s for our good. when we live in the past, we can’t see clearly in the present. and when can’t see clearly in the present, we get crusty and stuck. so today, look up and see what’s new. to keep the analogy from the opening, find a new song.

The Best of KG


week 19 - september 6

I found myself in this literal uphill battle the other morning.  I had taken felicity to the beach to get some exercise and because of some other things happening at the beach (that’s another story for another time // crazy morning) I decided the only way to get to my car was this extraordinarily steep walkway. It honestly felt like what most of 2019 has felt like, uphill most days and even though sometimes the view is extraordinary (on the other side, in this case the ocean) the reality is a long and hard road ahead.  

One of the days soon after we got to California, I found myself asking the Lord how I was going to make it through this huge transition in our life.  It wasn’t audible but it was clear, take one step at a time. Words like these make it sound simple or easy, but I find them helpful to keep my gaze focused.  

 Through some recent Bible reading I have been awe-inspired by Abraham.  His steps of faith & his perseverance in waiting are really beautiful. He didn’t get a hall pass and sleep through the waiting or wait minutes, hours, or days; he waited 25 YEARS!!!  Talk about steps of faith: hourly, daily, monthly, yearly he set his mind and heart to follow the Lord and trust Him at his Word. Just like Abraham you and I need to take the step of faith in front of us.  Maybe it looks scary (like his steps toward sacrificing Isaac) or maybe it looks laughable (past the typical years of baby-making) or maybe it looks like God’s going to have to come through big time (not only one son but NATIONS).   

Romans 4:20-21 says, “No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.”  I’m no Bible scholar, but I think that this verse shows that each step of faith he took led to the next which built up his faith which grew stronger and in turn gave glory to God which is our ultimate goal!!!  I wrote in the margin of my Bible : faith like Abe - WOW!  

 So today join me in taking the next step. If you don’t know what it is - ask him (I’ve been there, HE WILL!). Believe God for who He is & what He can do and trust him to work while you do the part you can.


week 28 - november 9

“It’s ALWAYS going to be this way” - Satan

 This is a lie that you can hear the devil say to you day after day if you are going through a difficult time. John 8:44 tells us that the one telling us this is the Father of lies and there is NO truth in Him. And we must rebuke this statement because it couldn’t be further from the truth. But, if it’s so far from the truth why do I/we so often fall into the trap of believing it?

Other than Jesus there’s no outcome or situation or person who is ALWAYS anything. You may not be an idealist by personality but we all desire some bit of idealism. (Think of how many times you say “i wish…” in your day.)  Our marriage to go on and on without a fight, a friendship without conflict, a house not needing to be fixed, a life free from illness or heartache. But as we well know we live in a world full of sin. And these interruptions of idealism force us to chose what we are living for and who we are believing.

As I rebuke this thought myself, I have been reminding myself or replacing this lie with these truths, I pray they benefit your thinking as well.  

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.  Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?  I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19

This verse reminds me that He is at work now…. The past isn’t the same as the future because He declares He is doing something new in the present tense.  Thank the Lord today for the new He is doing in your situation or if you can’t see a speck of new then pray by faith that God would do a new thing..  

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”  Philippians 1:6 

Only a good God could see to the completion of a good work in sinners like you and me.  He not only declares us righteous because of His blood he’s covered us with but he is at work in you this very moment to make you more like himself. The goal being that when we show up to the pearly gates we are more like him than when we began.  How beautiful is that? But sometimes the chipping away at the old or the gritty in us hurts and feels the opposite of beautiful, (a.k.a the process) but we are promised a glorious end is coming of wholeness and completion which reminds us that the process is more than worth it!  

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4

Our choices matter.  When we remain steadfast and faithful under our trials they produce steadfastness which produces character.  When we are frustrated in the mundane, especially in the midst of trial and when we are choosing to do the right thing and not seeing the result those very actions are producing things in us that would not be there had we given up.    

 Kanye’s new lyrics from ‘Hands on” spoke to this very point : 

 “Told the devil that I’m going on a strike, told the devil when I see him on sight, I’ve been working for ya my whole life.”  

 Maybe that’s what you need to say to the devil today.  I’m on strike from believing this lie!


The Best of Cup of Leadership


week 15 - august 10

on time.

god isn’t in a hurry. you are. that’s why you are anxious + tired.

 hurry is trying to make up time by going quicker than the circumstances realistically allow.

i have often been guilty of being a parent / leader / pastor driver / eater / work-outer / golfer / home equity builder etc. in a hurry. 

now there’s a difference between urgency + hurry. scripture commands us to redeem the time. the great commission can’t be completed by lollygagging or dillydallying. jesus commanded repentance today, not when it’s convenient for you. but the point remains, hurry isn’t a fruit of the spirit.  

i have been preaching through the story of joseph the last few weeks verse by verse and i have been struck by how much of the story is waiting. 13 years of waiting for promise to become payoff, monotonous obedience + steadfast refusal to compromise marked the journey of faith for joseph. but not just joseph, in fact compared to abraham or simeon his time of waiting was short. 

when peter tried to fight for jesus in the garden before it was time for jesus to be glorified … he embarrassed himself.

when joseph told his brothers of the future before god was ready to bring it to reality … he dug his own pit (literally).

when moses tried to take vengeance for israel before gods perfect timing … he ended up 40 years in the wildnerness.

 when we are waiting god is working and if god is working, it’s good. 

after 13 years of pain, joseph woke up in prison and went to bed in the palace. when god decides it’s time, he works with astonishing pace. 

so don’t be in a hurry, all you are doing is running ahead of god and messing things up.


week 17 - august 24

it’s how we are. we want to commit to people, but most often, it’s actually seasons or situations or consumption patterns. don’t allow yourself to think you’ve built something more rigorous than jesus or paul or david. they found themselves alone at times of great need too. it’s part of the fall, adam was happy to sell eve down the river to cover his own behind (literally + metaphorically). psalm 20.6 - many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?



The Best of Book Reviews


week 25 - october 19

i need to grow as a listener. i’m a pretty good talker + i am able to understand what people are trying to say. but that’s not listening. merely ingesting the info does get at the most important part of listening in a relationship, making the other person feel heard. so i am on a journey of learning … this book was invaluable to me. if you are an achiever, i bet there are ways you are hurting others that you don’t even see. highly recommend .. read the pages below for a little flavor.


my favorite podcasts / sermons / other things of 2019


1. this was my favorite podcast i listened to this year, reflections on 90’s era purity culture:

2. this message blew me out of the water, i really think your 2020 will be helped by listening to it:


1. out of everything i watched this year, nothing was more profound or encouraging than. this conversation between bishop jakes + pastor steven furtick:

2. this talk encouraged me so much this year --> watch this to get a sense of how much god can do right here, right now:


my absolute favorite and most timely song of the year:

a close second:


this year has seen a lot of heartbreak + answered prayer. writing to you each week has been a wonderful way to start into a new season and we really appreciate you taking the time to read and respond. here’s to a great 2020, happy new year

-luke + kristen macdonald (and our 4 crazy kids 😊)



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