08.24.19 - week 17


on the abundant life 

the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (john 10:10)

on the mount rushmore of poorly interpreted scriptures, this verse is right between jeremiah 29.11 + philippians 4.13. it’s often poorly applied because people think of the abundant life through the prism of the american dream. abundance to most of us is excess, more money/free time/instagram followers than we need. leisure or a life free from pressure is the target. that’s the spirit of the age. and as has often been said ‘the spirit of the age becomes the spirit of the church.’

when we promise people that jesus promises abundance, unless we properly define it, they are thinking something other than what jesus means. jesus promise to us is not steady health + ever increasing wealth + flawless relationships. his promise to us is internal strength + perfect peace + power of temptation + exceeding wisdom. those things can be overflowing even when life is difficult.

 this is the key to understanding how the poor or the persecuted or the powerless can have so much joy. when you detach your sense of self from your external successes and attach it to your internal self, abundance is actually much easier (although still elusive) to find. jesus wants you filled to overflowing, just maybe not with the things our culture has made us think bring happiness


the abundant life is internal not external.

if you get that messed up, you will be messed up.

 -pastor frank damazio

KG Korner

(a few wise words from lady kristen macdonald)


Here’s the question that has hung in the balance for me this week: Are you going to trust me and keep praising me EVEN IF what you were praying for doesn’t happen?  

We all have been there and will be there again. 

But when the decision seems big and the let down seems even larger it’s the pinnacle of faith.  Do I think I know better than him? Do I remember past instances when he changed ‘my plan’ and it was better than I thought? Is it going to be ok even if I don’t understand it all right now?

The wrestling through affects mind/body/emotions, the tears can be many & there’s no way through but STRAIGHT THROUGH.   

Here’s what I know: He is good (Psalm 145:9) and no matter what He always go with me (Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 41:10, Hebrews 13:5).  And the good news is that he knows about the wrestling match & he’s not disappointed at you if you are in it. He loves you (Jeremiah 31:3, John 3:16) and sees you and is working it out for your good and his glory (Romans 8:28-9).   

I’ve loved this song through my wrestling : All things live by David & Nicole Binion


Cup of Leadership


it’s how we are. we want to commit to people, but most often, it’s actually seasons or situations or consumption patterns. don’t allow yourself to think you’ve built something more rigorous than jesus or paul or david. they found themselves alone at times of great need too. it’s part of the fall, adam was happy to sell eve down the river to cover his own behind (literally + metaphorically). psalm 20.6 - many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?


Book Review


humor often spreads ideas more potently than lecture.

its why tina fey and larry david’s impressions of palin + sanders are ultimately preferable to the real thing for most people. anyway, this collection of short stories from my favorite writer, chuck klosterman is laugh out loud funny every third page. his characterizations are so vividly preposterous, that you just can’t help it. but underneath, lots of ideas are being advanced about technology + fake-news + the dangers of ‘woke’ culture that i found helpful in the strength of their under-statedness.

his 12th book might be the best one yet. he’s an acquired taste for sure, but also addictive and brilliant. highly recommend it


Sermon of the Week

this was my first sunday morning sermon at faithful central bible church.

i hope it’s helpful to you, it has a strong gospel call with a lot of encouragement about who we are in christ up front.

3 Things I Really Liked This Week

1.  espn released a 5-part podcast this week on donald sterling + the saga of his ownership of the la clippers, riveting listening.

2.  most of us agree conceptually with the idea of listening to voices other than ours, but struggle to practice, this long form article about 40 years in a battered woman’s shelter started by lesbian feminists is a good place to start. i found it fascinating to the max.

 3.  i updated my 2019 playlist this week. my favorite songs of the year, if you would like some good listening.



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