08.10.19 - week 15
on time.
god isn’t in a hurry. you are. that’s why you are anxious + tired.
hurry is trying to make up time by going quicker than the circumstances realistically allow.
i have often been guilty of being a parent / leader / pastor driver / eater / work-outer / golfer / home equity builder etc. in a hurry.
now there’s a difference between urgency + hurry. scripture commands us to redeem the time. the great commission can’t be completed by lollygagging or dillydallying. jesus commanded repentance today, not when it’s convenient for you. but the point remains, hurry isn’t a fruit of the spirit.
i have been preaching through the story of joseph the last few weeks verse by verse and i have been struck by how much of the story is waiting. 13 years of waiting for promise to become payoff, monotonous obedience + steadfast refusal to compromise marked the journey of faith for joseph. but not just joseph, in fact compared to abraham or simeon his time of waiting was short.
when peter tried to fight for jesus in the garden before it was time for jesus to be glorified … he embarrassed himself.
when joseph told his brothers of the future before god was ready to bring it to reality … he dug his own pit (literally).
when moses tried to take vengeance for israel before gods perfect timing … he ended up 40 years in the wildnerness.
when we are waiting god is working and if god is working, it’s good.
after 13 years of pain, joseph woke up in prison and went to bed in the palace. when god decides it’s time, he works with astonishing pace.
so don’t be in a hurry, all you are doing is running ahead of god and messing things up.
KG Korner
(a few wise words from lady kristen macdonald)
26 days.
It may not sound long and it’s truly #firstworldproblems, but that’s the number of days I’ve been without a dishwasher.
Waiting: it has a power like not much else in this world. I truly am praying this dishwasher will get fixed soon (it’s complicated) but there’s other more vulnerable things I’m waiting on too. I don’t think there’s a year I’ve waited more than 2019. Even though I don’t like it per say, I am convinced it is making me more thankful for the outcome along with producing more faith, growing my prayer life, no less increasing my ‘gratefulness meter.’
I’ve just finished reading through the gospels. So much to say about waiting… the story that comes to the top of my mind is Lazarus’ sisters waiting for Jesus when they felt like all hope was lost (john 11). Jesus had bigger picture things in mind for the sister’s…. and what an awesome God I believe He has bigger picture things than just what we are asking for in each of our situations. I think when you read the story having the end in mind, you can see that in the waiting God is at work in major ways.
One thing that I came to this summer though is that the waiting seems so hard til you’re not waiting for the thing anymore and then you’re thankful for what the waiting produced IN YOU. Said differently, there’s gratitude not only for the thing you’ve waited to come to fruition but what the waiting produced in you that wouldn’t have been produced AT ALL without the waiting. You can so quickly (as I have in the past) miss that part because it seems like almost instantly something new to wait for seems to appear.
Book Review
3 truths + a lie about this picture
1. i read that pics with faces get more engagement.
2. i was locked out and waiting for kristen to get back to let me in.
3. i lost one of the books for #mondaymorningbookreview and thus can’t take my standard pic of book cover w wood table background.
4. felt cute, might delete later.
these truths – jill lepore — an ambitious one volume history of the united states told through 2019 eyes.
i like to watch – emily nussbaum — collection of essays on the last 15 years of tv, with a 30 page incredibly thoughtful essay about harvey weinstein and ‘cancel culture.’
turning the flywheel – jim collins — an essay length monograph on the core concept of his timeless ‘good to great’ book.
pulphead – john jeremiah sullivan — collection of essays that will blow your mind with its quality and variety.
trust me, i’m lying – ryan holiday — an (cynical) insider view into how internet media culture works.
Favorite Paragraph This Week
3 Things I Really Liked This Week
1. i love love love this song … praying this almost daily, not in a hurry – will reagan
2. this podcast had a ton of encouraging nuggets for those in ministry, highly recommend.
3. this might sound weird, but i have been learning about street art. this guy is my favorite … super cool and (stealthily) quite useful.