06.01.19 - week 6
sin is so destructive.
it invades us and demolishes the embers of good so totally.
we think and hope and excuse and push it away, but it lingers.
it’s power was destroyed in the empty tomb,
but it’s presence remains close so it must be destroyed.
whatever it takes, we must demolish it.
root it out.
burn it up.
ruthlessly hold ourselves to the biblical standard and not lower it.
skip over all the bother about each other’s sin
and hunt for our own.
Cup of Leadership
most of us (especially those who self-identify as leaders) prefer to help others,
not require it ourselves. that instinct propels many of us into a cycle of finding others who need us and then forming our identity around assisting them. so many of the broken parts of our culture are places (helicopter moms / severely damaged counselors / angry elderly / savior complex white missions) where people are trying to give what they don’t have instead of ask for what they need.
biblically, giving and receiving are both virtuous. when i’m weak, i’m strong – when i lose my life, i find it etc etc. it’s messed up western values that sees a perpetual position of strength as superior. what happens if we all swallowed our pride long enough to just be present where we are, giving when my turn and asking when in my season of need. for sure we all get healthier.
if i’m weak for asking for their help,
then so is anyone who asks for mine.
Book Review
is my friend nathan finochio a good guy? is he wise? is he a good dresser? is he wise with finances? is he reverent? is he normal? is he fit? is he the best finochio? has he done anything other than draft off his famous friends?
the answer to all these questions is no.
yet, he wrote this really really useful book. it tears down foolhardy ways of engaging w god’s word. it’s equal opportunity critical of all streams and their excesses. it’s simply fantastic. clear and thoughtful and original and just totally nathan in all his wonderful uniqueness. he’s a prince of a friend and is buying everything he’s selling. the book releases in a few weeks and would make an a+ graduation gift for someone in your life. go get it ASAP.
3 Things I Really Liked This Week
1. one of my favorite teachings i ever had the privilege to do was on galatians 6 a few years ago in a series called carry: what i can and can't do for you. you can find these teachings on my youtube channel
2. if you liked the quote in top section, you may enjoy the whole book, not the way it's supposed to be: a breviary of sin by cornelius plantinga. i mean how could you 'enjoy' a book with that title, but you know what i mean.
3. been digging phil wickam's new mixtape style acoustic album singalong. check it out here.