Pastor. Husband. Father.


I’m the Associate Pastor of preaching + outreach at Faithful Central Bible church in Inglewood, California, joyfully serving under Bishop Kenneth Ulmer. I have been blessed to be part of some really cool things, 7 years as a youth pastor, helping build Vertical Worship, and pastoring for over a decade at a church I loved, Harvest Bible Chapel.

In the new season God has called me to, my passions remain the same. I pastor, speak, and lead anywhere I can towards the simple biblical truth that life truly begins with the realization that we aren't something special and the story isn't about US but we know the someONE who is special. Culture screams ME ME ME, but God’s word tells a better story.

Somehow, I convinced my high school sweetheart, Kristen, to marry me and be my partner in life and ministry. We are raising three lions and a princess – Carter (10), Reid (9), Graham (6) and Felicity (2). I love virtually any competitive activity, especially golf and board games with my kids. When I’m not reading a good book or rooting for my children, I pledge my allegiance to the Cubs, Bears & Tottenham Hotspur.




If I can help you or speak at your church, send me a message.